

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Indian Air Force Agniveervayu Selection for North Eastern States

Indian Air Force invites online applications from unmarried Indian male and female candidates for selection test for Agniveervayu intake 01/2026 under Agnipath Scheme.

14/01/2025 31/01/2025 View (1 MB)
SSA – Advertisement on contractual appointment for various posts in the District Mission Director, Baghmara

SSA – Advertisement on contractual appointment for various posts in the District Mission Director, Baghmara

29/11/2024 13/12/2024 View (136 KB)
Advertisement for the post Chemist/Water Analyst under JJM

Walk-in-interview for the post Chemist/Water Analyst on contractual basis under SPMU-Jal Jeevan Mission to be held on 13th December, 2024. See details in the attached.

04/12/2024 13/12/2024 View (678 KB)
JNV – Extension of date for submission of application form for the post of Matron

JNV – Extension of date for submission of application form for the post of Matron

29/11/2024 06/12/2024 View (111 KB)
Wak-in Interview for Matron

Wak-in Interview for posts of Matron in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Ampanggre, South Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Details of advertisement attached.

22/11/2024 01/12/2024 View (238 KB)
Advertisement for the post of e-District Manager

Advertisement for the post of e-District Manager

21/10/2024 13/11/2024 View (209 KB)
DSC South Garo Hills – Advertisement for various vacant posts

District Selection Committee, South Garo Hills invites online applications for the post of Sectional Assistant, Soil & water conservation Demonstrator (Jr),  Library Assistant, Weaving Demonstrator, Tracer, Driver, Jeep Driver, Clerk, Combine Grade – IV  (from 18th September 2024 to 18th October 2024)
Apply Now

Instructions regarding online payment

1. After selecting the payment mode and click on Proceed for Payment, a GRN no. will be generated. Kindly note down this GRN no. for future references.

2. Incase of Payment by SBI ATM Cum Debit Card, kindly note that after entering the details of the Debit card, the card will be verified by the bank. Please do not close/refresh the browser OR do not click anywhere on the screen, wait for 5 secs it will be automatically redirected to the next page of State Bank of India to confirm the payment.

3. Note: Incase scanning of UPI QR Code is selected as payment mode, then make sure that the timing of the device from where the code is scanned and timing of the device from where payment is made is the same.

You can check the status of SBI epay transaction from by entering the GRN Number
18/09/2024 18/10/2024 View (2 MB)
DSC South Garo Hills – Advertisement for vacant posts

District Selection Committee, South Garo Hills invites online applications for the post of LDA, Gram Sevak, Gram Sevaki, Sericulture Demonstrator, Forest Guard, Forester – I, Gateman, Game watcher, Boatman (from 13th Aug 2024 to 12th Sep 2024)
Apply Now


Instructions regarding online payment

1. After selecting the payment mode and click on Proceed for Payment, a GRN no. will be generated. Kindly note down this GRN no. for future references.

2. Incase of Payment by SBI ATM Cum Debit Card, kindly note that after entering the details of the Debit card, the card will be verified by the bank. Please do not close/refresh the browser OR do not click anywhere on the screen, wait for 5 secs it will be automatically redirected to the next page of State Bank of India to confirm the payment.

3. Note: Incase scanning of UPI QR Code is selected as payment mode, then make sure that the timing of the device from where the code is scanned and timing of the device from where payment is made is the same.

You can check the status of SBI epay transaction from by entering the GRN Number
13/08/2024 12/09/2024 View (3 MB)
Advertisement for the post of Jal Shakti Fellow

Advertisement for the post of Jal Shakti Fellow

21/08/2024 29/08/2024 View (2 MB)
Advertisement for the post of Computer Teacher

Advertisement for the post of Computer Teacher in Rangku Memorial Girls Deficit Sec. School

14/08/2024 22/08/2024 View (409 KB)
Advertisement for the post of Field Assistant

The Bio-Resources Development will conduct a Walk in Interview for eligible candidates from EJH/NGH/SGH/SWGH Districts of Meghalaya for the post of Field Assistant on contractual basis for a period of 8 (eight) months under the Project “Documentation of Traditional Knowledge in the State of Meghalaya”

30/07/2024 08/08/2024 View (255 KB)
Advertisement under SPMU Jal Jeevan Mission, South Garo Hills, Baghmara

Advertisement under SPMU Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), South Garo Hills, Baghmara

11/07/2024 23/07/2024 View (556 KB)