DSC Recruitment
Katta bichong | Talatanirang | Abachengani tarik | Matchotani tarik | Tarie dongimin lekarang |
DSC – Press Release regarding Physical Test for the post of Gram Sevak, Gram Sevika, Forest Guard, Soil & Water Conservation Demonstrator | Physical Test for the post of Gram Sevak, Gram Sevika, Forest Guard, Soil & Water Conservation Demonstrator will be held on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of November, 2024. Candidates can download the Admit card from the website megrecruitment.nic.in |
01/11/2024 | 23/11/2024 | Nibo (155 KB) |
Corrigendum Typing speed test | This is for general information to all candidates and general public that the date of Typing Speed Test for the post of Tracer and Clerk scheduled for 8th November, 2024 vide this office letter no No.SGH/DSC/35/PT.IV/2014-15/865, Dated: Baghmara, the 31stOctober, 2024 has been rescheduled for 9th November, 2024 on account of ‘Wangala’ festival. All candidates are to note that their downloaded Admit Cards citing the date of Typing test as 8th November, 2024 will remain valid for their typing test candidature on 9th November, 2024 and no separate / new admit cards will be issued. |
02/11/2024 | 16/11/2024 | Nibo (643 KB) |
DSC – Press release regarding typing speed test for the post of LDA, Sectional Assistant, Tracer and Clerk | The typing speed test for the post of LDA, Sectional Assistant,Tracer and Clerk will be held on the 6th, 7th and 8th November 2024. Candidates can download the Admit Cards from the website https://megrecruitment.nic.in Typing Speed test will be done through computer. The minimum speed required in the Typing Test is 30 w.p.m, which is the qualifying speed as mentioned in the Advertisement. |
31/10/2024 | 15/11/2024 | Nibo (94 KB) |
DSC South Garo Hills – Advertisement for various vacant posts | District Selection Committee, South Garo Hills invites online applications for the post of Sectional Assistant, Soil & water conservation Demonstrator (Jr), Library Assistant, Weaving Demonstrator, Tracer, Driver, Jeep Driver, Clerk, Combine Grade – IV (from 18th September 2024 to 18th October 2024) Instructions regarding online payment 1. After selecting the payment mode and click on Proceed for Payment, a GRN no. will be generated. Kindly note down this GRN no. for future references. 2. Incase of Payment by SBI ATM Cum Debit Card, kindly note that after entering the details of the Debit card, the card will be verified by the bank. Please do not close/refresh the browser OR do not click anywhere on the screen, wait for 5 secs it will be automatically redirected to the next page of State Bank of India to confirm the payment. 3. Note: Incase scanning of UPI QR Code is selected as payment mode, then make sure that the timing of the device from where the code is scanned and timing of the device from where payment is made is the same. You can check the status of SBI epay transaction from https://www.sbiepay.sbi/secure/transactionTrack by entering the GRN Number |
18/09/2024 | 18/10/2024 | Nibo (2 MB) |
Corrigendum to DSC Advertisement No. SGH/ADVT.70/Pt/2016-17/252 Dated 13th August, 2024 | Corrigendum to DSC Advertisement No. SGH/ADVT.70/Pt/2016-17/252 Dated 13th August, 2024 |
10/09/2024 | 12/09/2024 | Nibo (353 KB) |
DSC South Garo Hills – Advertisement for vacant posts | District Selection Committee, South Garo Hills invites online applications for the post of LDA, Gram Sevak, Gram Sevaki, Sericulture Demonstrator, Forest Guard, Forester – I, Gateman, Game watcher, Boatman (from 13th Aug 2024 to 12th Sep 2024)
Instructions regarding online payment 1. After selecting the payment mode and click on Proceed for Payment, a GRN no. will be generated. Kindly note down this GRN no. for future references.
2. Incase of Payment by SBI ATM Cum Debit Card, kindly note that after entering the details of the Debit card, the card will be verified by the bank. Please do not close/refresh the browser OR do not click anywhere on the screen, wait for 5 secs it will be automatically redirected to the next page of State Bank of India to confirm the payment. 3. Note: Incase scanning of UPI QR Code is selected as payment mode, then make sure that the timing of the device from where the code is scanned and timing of the device from where payment is made is the same. You can check the status of SBI epay transaction from https://www.sbiepay.sbi/secure/transactionTrack by entering the GRN Number
13/08/2024 | 12/09/2024 | Nibo (3 MB) |